Frequently Asked Questions Giant

Understandable that you still have some questions, but this page addresses the most frequently asked questions. Is your question not listed? Then please  contact us


What is Giant?

Giant is the international online dashboard for employers and intermediaries, providing information related to the labor market and all the target groups on the (inter)national labor market(s). The dashboard is designed by (and intellectual property of) Intelligence Group.

Who is Intelligence Group?

Intelligence Group is an International Data & Tech company in the field of labor market and recruitment data. Intelligence Group focuses on collecting, storing and enriching labor market-related data for the improvement of the recruitment of personnel (or employees) by employers and the labor market opportunities (employability) for employees. By translating data and making it accessible and practical for employers and employees, Intelligence Group makes the labor market more transparent and brings demand (vacancies from employers) and supply (available workers) on the labor market closer together. Visit the Intelligence Group website for more information about Intelligence Group and other labor market solutions.

Where does the name Giant come from?

The name Giant is a combination of the Intelligence Group logo (iG!) and the word “ant”, because the ant symbolizes (great) work, wisdom, diligence and cooperation. The dashboard contains information about the labor market and ensures that users of the dashboard gain more insight into their target groups, which means they can make smarter choices. The culture within Intelligence Group is also characterized by diligent employees, in which cooperation is always the key to success. Intelligence Group is a relatively small organization, in which every employee is empowered. And by remaining diligent and working together, Intelligence Group is able to achieve great results and successfully serve its customers. This contradiction can also be found in ants: it is a small animal, but the strength of an ant is extraordinary in relation to its size. Many organizations therefore think that Intelligence Group is a large organization, something concealed in the name Giant.

How does a subscription with Giant work?

In order to access information provided by Giant, we offer a subscription-based service available for a certain period of time (minimum of one year). During this subscription, you can make “unlimited” use of the dashboard, under the conditions of the Fair Use Policy (see general terms and conditions). Our subscriptions work on a license basis, which means that the login details are an email address and a password of your choice. It is possible to take out a subscription for a specific period of time for one, multiple or all countries. It is not possible to switch countries during the subscription period. If you want access to another country, you can contact Intelligence Group via or 088-730 2800.

What are the terms and conditions for using Giant?
  • The duration of the subscription is valid as agreed upon in the contract and will be automatically extended for one year without notice (unless otherwise agreed in the contract). Canceling a subscription is possible, with a minimum notice period of 1 month prior to the end date as agreed in the contract. Read the general terms and conditions here.
  • Data obtained from Giant may not be distributed or resold to third parties without the consent of Intelligence Group. The data (and reports) may only be used within the organization.
  • Data from Giant may not be used/published without acknowledging the source.
  • In case of suspected abuse/distribution of data without permission, Intelligence Group has the right to close the account immediately and to cancel the subscription.

Data accountability

What is the Talent Intelligence Dashboard Giant?

In Giant, various sources are used to provide data to the labor market.

  • For information regarding the target groups, the International Talent Acquisition Monitor (ITAM), a research conducted by Intelligence Group, is utilized
  • Eurostat is used for general data points and calculations
  • For information about the demand side of the labor market and the competition, we use Jobdigger and/or Jobfeed
To what extent is the data in Giant representative and reliable?
  • The reliability and representativeness of the ITAM is guaranteed because respondents are invited and weighted on the basis of Statistics Netherlands and Eurostat data (according to a method developed by SEO, affiliated with the UvA). The research methods and data for the work we do in relation to i.a. mortgage lending are validated by SEOR (affiliated with Erasmus University) and Risk Quest. The data on the demand side gives you continuous and real-time insight into the online vacancies on the labor market.
What is the sample size?

The volume of the number of vacancies for the relevant target group depends on the demand on the labor market. The target group information is always shown on the basis of at least 50 suitable respondents in ITAM. Annually, they survey over 125,000 respondents in the European labor market. This research has been ongoing since 2003, with data being updated every quarter.

How up to date is the data in Giant?

The target group information (supply) in Giant is always based on two-year rolling data and is updated every quarter. When a new quarterly survey is completed, its information is added and the oldest quarter is dropped from the data. The information about the demand side of the labor market is real-time and can therefore differ per half-day.


How do I search for information about my target audience?

Giant returns target group information at job level, because there may be important differences in the information between jobs. This means that you cannot search for information about a discipline or industry, as that would also cause valuable information/differences to be lost. To search on job level, enter a job title. It is important that you choose a job title that is common on the labor market for this target group. For example, if you use very specific titles within your organization, it is wise to use a more general title for your search.

How do the filter options work?

You can enter the target group and region on the home screen or above the dashboard:

  • Next to “what”, enter the job title of the target group you would like to receive information about. It is important to choose one of the suggestions. If your preferred job title is not listed, select a related job title.
  • Next to “where”, select the country: depending on your subscription, one or more countries are listed here. Increase the number of countries you have access to by simply contacting Intelligence Group via or +31 (0)88-730 2800.

If you have selected the Netherlands, you can also choose a province (by region) and/or the work experience level. You don’t have to use these filters to get results, but they do provide more specific results.

Can I also print my target group analysis in a report?

Yes, you can also print the target group analysis PDF file. All data points (or in part) available on the Giant can be exported as a report in this way, as a reference. This report may only be distributed within the organization internally, and may not be distributed or resold to third parties without the consent of Intelligence Group. In case of suspected abuse/distribution of data and reports without permission, Intelligence Group has the right to close the account immediately and to cancel the subscription.

Can I also search for multiple job titles at the same time?

No, it is not possible to select multiple job titles at the same time. In the target group selection in Giant, the ISCO classification is used: an internationally recognized occupational classification. Based on the job title entered, an ISCO classification is determined in order to subsequently display the correct target group information. This process is disrupted when two job titles are entered, resulting in incorrect data. Therefore, you must perform a new search for each job title.

Can I also search at industry level?

No, Giant goes deeper than branches and industries, and only shows information at level of job titles. There is a large amount of job titles within branches and because there can be significant differences between all those job titles, Giant only shows information filtered by job title(s). Would you like to receive information at industry level? Then please contact Intelligence Group to discuss the possibilities.

I also want to see the target group information for other countries, but it doesn't work, why is that?

When you subscribe to Giant, you determine for which countries the data will be made available. The licenses therefore only give access to those countries that you have selected. If you still want information about one of the other countries on the dashboard, that is of course possible. Access to these additional countries will then be considered an addition to your current subscription.

Where can I go if I have questions about Giant?

Do you have any questions about how Giant works or about the content available on Giant? Then you can contact Intelligence Group.

There are technical problems in Giant, where do I report this?

Giant is an online dashboard that should be available to you 24/7. In the unlikely event that you encounter technical problems, you can contact Intelligence Group.

Not all data I am looking for is available in Giant, are there other options?

Giant only contains part of all labor market data collected by Intelligence Group. If you are looking for additional information or, for example, information at industry level, please contact Intelligence Group. We will gladly discuss the possibilities with you


In which countries is Giant available?

Giant provides labor market-related information about Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Ukraine, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia , Spain, the Czech Republic, the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and Switzerland.

How can I access data on other countries?

You can increase the number of countries you have access to by contacting Intelligence Group.

Is it possible to change access to countries during the subscription?

No, it is not possible to change countries you have access to during the term of the subscription. The subscription specifies which countries you have access to during the term of the subscription and with how many licenses. If you want access to other countries during the term of the subscription, the subscription will be expanded.

How do I increase the number of licenses on Giant?

To increase the number of licenses/accounts for your organization, please contact Intelligence Group.

How do I cancel a subscription with Giant?

Should you not want to extend the subscription to Giant, it is possible to cancel the subscription in writing via Canceling a subscription is possible, with a minimum notice period of 1 month prior to the end date as agreed in the contract.

How do I change the email address used to log in to Giant?

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible for you to change the email address you log in with yourself. To change the account information, you can contact Intelligence Group.

How do I change the password?

You can change the password by clicking on your account button at the top right of the dashboard. We recommend that you adjust this at least every quarter.

Can Giant be adapted to the corporate identity of my organization?

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to adapt Giant according to the corporate identity of your organization. However, we are constantly innovating and we expect this to be possible over time.

Can the PDF report be customized for my organization?

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to adapt Giant according to the corporate identity of your organization. However, we are constantly innovating and we expect this to be possible over time. We would of course be happy to discuss the options with you. You can contact Intelligence Group.