Intelligence group

The European market leader in Talent Intelligence

Data-driven labour market solutions for understanding supply & demand, and targeted recruitment marketing for employers and recruiters.

Solutions Intelligence Group

Insightful data-driven solutions

Intelligence Group offers a variety of tools that provide meaningful and critical insights for a successful recruitment strategy in Europe.

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Labour market statistics

The latest labour market statistics

The tightness on the labour market is still unprecedented. Despite this, there is a little more movement in the labour market because while the supply of labour remains small (low unemployment and low labour market activity), the demand for it is increasing. This means that people are increasingly being approached for other work as sourcing pressure reached a new record. In fact, these factors combined have created a challenging environment where businesses must be innovative and strategic to attract and retain top talent amidst fierce competition.

About Intelligence group

Job market and recruitment data

Intelligence Group is an international data & tech company, founded in 2003. Specializing in collecting and analyzing European labor market and recruitment data, they conduct their own independent labor market research. Through this, they serve recruiters and intermediaries with their innovative, practical dashboards and reports. They refer to their independent labor market research as ITAM, which stands for International Talent Acquisition Monitor. Annually, they survey over 125,000 respondents in the European labor market. This research has been ongoing since 2003, with data being updated every quarter.


Dedication is in Intelligence Group’s DNA. Full of Engagement, commitment and enthusiasm for our profession and the job market, we strive to continuously add value.


We are the best labour market experts and we want it to stay that way. That is why we demand a lot from ourselves and from the data we use. In doing so, we are constantly searching for new opportunities.


What we do must be correct and justifiable, to customers and to ourselves. We are an independent, commercial organisation that acts with integrity, honesty and ethics. We do what we promise.


Everyone is different, interesting and special and has their own qualities and added value. Therefore, we are open, honest and respectful to colleagues, customers and all stakeholders at all times.


We feel responsible for our colleagues, customers and other stakeholders. For us, responsibility means personal commitment and ownership for delivering high-quality products and services.