With our year-end promotion, you’ll receive 15 target audience analyses for €3,500. These analyses provide valuable insights into your target audience: how easy they are to recruit, what they value in a job, which media channels they use, how many vacancies currently exist for this role with competitors, and much more.
Target group analysis and marketing: accurate candidate identification and approach.
Labor market communication: effective alignment of communication strategies.
API integration: seamless connectivity with ATS, VMS, and HR systems.
International recruitment: tools for European talent acquisition.
Employability: tools for development and market insight.
Sourcing: optimization of talent acquisition techniques.
Strengthen your recruitment strategy with the Talent Intelligence Dashboard Giant. To access the dashboard, request a trial account or contact us for a demonstration.
We have earned the trust of several companies
Intelligence Group offers a variety of tools that provide meaningful and critical insights for a successful recruitment strategy in Europe.
This tab provides insight into recruitment feasibility, looking at the likelihood of successfully filling vacancies compared to market standards, including the proportion of self-employed workers within your sector.
This information helps recruiters create attractive job postings and effective recruiting strategies that can attract the interest of qualified candidates.
Intelligence Group
Since 2003, with our own ITAM (International Talent Acquisition Monitor) survey, we have been continuously collecting data on the functioning of the Dutch and European labor market. Every year, over 125,000 people from the European labor force are surveyed. This knowledge is incorporated into various products, including our Talent Intelligence dashboard Giant.
Respondents by year
Active since the year
Discover a range of innovative solutions designed to meet your recruitment and labor market needs
The Giant dashboard answers your recruitment questions and enables you to effectively recruit the best candidates. The target group information is available from 28 European countries and the United States. It includes insights into mobility, national benchmarks, candidate expectations, and motivation for choosing a job or organisation. This is combined with detailed information of more than 11.000 job boards, apps, (niche)websites and other media that you can use to target your talent. You can also compile the information you need into a Talent Intelligence PDF report and the dashboard is available in seven languages.
Get the latest news and updates directly into your mailbox.
Labor Market Statistics
Tension in the labor market is still unprecedented.
Despite this, there is slightly more movement in the labor market because while the supply of labor remains small (low unemployment and low labor market activity), the demand for it is increasing.
This means that people are increasingly being approached for other work as the pressure to hire has reached a new record.
Indeed, these combined factors have created a challenging environment in which companies need to be innovative and strategic to attract and retain top talent amid fierce competition.
De arbeidsmarktactiviteit geeft aan hoe groot het actieve arbeidsaanbod is binnen de Nederlandse beroepsbevolking (excl. zzp’ers en ondernemers). Het zijn de mensen die nu actief op zoek zijn naar (ander) werk. Daarnaast is er een grote groep latente baanzoekers. Zij zijn niet actief op zoek naar ander werk, maar houden de arbeidsmarkt wel in de gaten.
1,13 mln
t.o.v. Q2 2023
t.o.v. Q1 2024
Dit cijfer geeft weer welk deel van de Nederlandse beroepsbevolking (excl. zzp’ers en ondernemers) in de afgelopen 12 maanden ander/nieuw werk heeft gevonden. Het zegt iets over de dynamiek op de arbeidsmarkt. De cijfers hebben betrekking op mensen die een baan hebben gevonden bij een nieuwe werkgever. Interne baanwisselingen zijn niet meegenomen.
1,76 mln
t.o.v. Q2 2023
t.o.v. Q1 2024
De sourcingsdruk geeft aan welk deel van de Nederlandse beroepsbevolking (exc. zzp’ers en ondernemers) minimaal op kwartaalbasis wordt benaderd door recruiters, werkgevers en/of bureaus voor een nieuwe baan. De sourcingsdruk hangt samen met de schaarste op de arbeidsmarkt. Hoe gewilder (schaarser) mensen zijn, hoe vaker ze worden benaderd.
Q2 2023
Q1 2024
De werkloze beroepsbevolking bestaat uit alle 15- tot 75-jarigen die in Nederland wonen en geen betaald werk hebben, maar wel recent naar werk hebben gezocht en daarvoor direct beschikbaar zijn. De cijfers zijn gecorrigeerd voor seizoensinvloeden en gepresenteerd in duizendtallen.
2023 juli
2024 juni
Insight Overview
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